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This website is more OG stuff & formal CV & if you don´t have Instagram.
Go to my gallerists`webiste to buy my art:
My old website of early work, is only found if you have flash:
Name: Birgitte Christens email:
Studio Adr: Schleppegrellsgade 1 Kld. website:
2200 Copenhagen N mobile: 0045 ................
Born: 1982, Denmark instagram: @birgittechristens
Higher Art Education:
2007-2009 Master in Art, School of Design and Crafts at Gothenburg University - HDK, Sweden (MFA)
2004-2007 Bachelor in Art, Bergen National Academy of the Arts - KHiB, Norway (BFA)
2006 Exchange student to Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design - CSM, London (BFA)
Other educations:
2024 University College Copenhagen, Exam in 2 modules of Vocational Pedagogy / Erhvervspædagogik
(Teaching & Learning, Didactic)
2018 3 months of Art Critic School hosted by Politiken, a leading Danish daily broadsheet newspaper, Cph
Work Experience:
2023- Ceramic instructor, Keramikskolen in Copenhagen
2022 Art project with kids. Supported by The Danish Arts Foundation. Collab with Tingbjerg Skole & Fritid
2021 Art project with kids. Collab with Tingbjerg Skole & Fritid
2021 Public Sculpture project at Hollufgård, DK (collab of music, clay, wood, words...)
2020-24 Crafts & Design teacher at Next Tech School, Region Hovedstaden
2020 BANFF Centre for Arts, Canada, accepted me to work with Claire Twomey etc- All cancelled due to Covid-19:-(
2019 Invited for International Ceramic Conference at the 5th Hongguang Ziqi Ceramic Art Air exchange Festival, China
2019- Ceramic Instructor at Youth School, Cph
2019 Artist in Residency at EKWC in the Netherlands for 3 months May-July
2018 Artist in Residency & Ceramic Instructor at Krabbesholm Højskole, Skive, Denmark for 4,5 months
2018 Joining Leksands Folkehögskola summer course with Chinese and Japanese...
2017 Artist in Residency at SCCP The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park in Japan for 5 months
2017- Member of Danish Crafts & Design
2016- Member of VAK. Open (bronze) studios for professional artists, Jyderup.
2015 Artist in Residency at EKWC in the Netherlands for 3 months June-September
2014 Interviewed by TV2 News for ECCO´s exhibition ”My Disease in Disguise” Danish National TV
2014 Live Radio Interview in Denmark´s Radio Culture News P1 speaking about ”My Disease I Disguise”
2014 Interview to about my art piece; ”My Disease in Disguise” is a Danish based news website which write about contemporary visual artists
2012-2018 Ceramic employer at Ditte Fischer Copenhagen. Responsible for all casting porcelain production and
sponging products, shop steward etc. All products are handmade in Denmark.
2011-2012 Craft assistant for Signe Schjøth, Lars Rank and Bettina Schori in Designer Zoo Shop, Copenhagen V
2011 6 weeks Artist in Residency at Guldagergård, Project Network, Denmark
2011 Art Product sale to shops as Retro Villa in Cph K and Habengoth
2010- Member of Art Clayspace group; A Ceramic Street Art movement, Cph.
2009 Owner and union member of art studio in Copenhagen N
2004- Work of organizing exhibitions in several galleries with own art; Among Voss, Norway ´08, Malmø,
Sweden ´09, Strømstad, Sweden ´10, Skælskør ´11, Frederiksberg´11, Middelfart ´11, Denmark
2008 Art work, Painted a big fresco/Mural at Hotel Bloom in Brussels, room nr. 516, ELIA programme, December
2008 Ceramic assistant for Nina Hole on 4 metres tall stoneware sculpture, Public Art, Lidköping, Sweden
2008-2013 Co founder of Art group "Sikken fest/ What a Party" exhibition Møstingshus ´11, Frederiksberg
2023 Group show Galleri Nijenkap, DK "Egyptian artist in residency made ceramics" Tough Teeth" Aswan clay
2023. Keramikfestival in Skælskør, Rådhuset. Apocalyptic Installations & Årets borddækning/dinner table, DK
2023 10th years Annirversary show at Galleri Nijenkamp, DK "Cover-Up"-Modern Potpourri Jars
2022 Neo Crafts Gallery, Cph Ø
2022 OsSolo Gallery, Cph V
2021 Solo Exhibition in Galleri Nijenkamp, Odense, DK "Can you breathe?" -body sculptures life size etc.
2021 Gesamtkunstwerk Outdoor Sculpture at Hollufgård, Odense, DK. Made at Tommerup Ceramic Center.
2021 Koldinghus Museum - The Biennale of Danish Crafts & Design (my 3rd time) Big award for the winner
2020-21 Århus Kunsthal, Påskeudstillingen/Spring Exhibition. "Threat is Here" & "Acid Rain" Covid-19 Postponed!
2020 Kaunas Picture Gallery of M.K. Ciurlionis Art Museum, Lithuania, Group show: Kaunas Bone China Symposium
2019. Designmuseum Denmark, Christmas market, as member by Danish Crafts & Design hosts, DK
2019 5th Hongguang Ziqi Ceramic Art Air Exchange Festival, Oct-Nov, Yixing, China
2019 EKWC- 50 years anniversary Group show, Sep, The Netherlands
2019 Rebildcentret, DK "Klimakunst - Nordic expressions" presenting: "Acid Rain" & "Bildæk" May-August
2019 Spanish 9th Biennale of Ceramics in Talavera May-June presenting: "Feed me!" Big sculpture May-June
2018 Solo exhibition "You are the lucky consumer" at Krabbesholm Højskole in Skive, DK
2018-19 "Japan Retur" at A. Petersen Gallery.
Grants from the Danish Arts Foundation in 2017 to travel or co-work with Japan. Kløvermarksvej 70, Cph S
2018 Ann Linnemann Gallery, Contemporary Ceramics Cph "Mesterværker af 60 keramikere-10 års jubilæum" Jeg udstiller "Side Effects" & "Child´s pose" 1. marts-14. april 2018
2017 Solo Exhibition, Officinet, Bredgade 66, Copenhagen K, November 2017.
2017 Fujiki Gallery, "Frontier", Global art by 3 artists KR, JP, DK - Communication through Ceramics, Japan
2017 The Biennale 2017 Danish Crafts & Design "Liggende Kvinde"-Woman on the floor. Museumsbygningen, Cph Ø
2017 Ann Linnemann Gallery - Contemporary Ceramics Copenhagen, "Dialog - Love Difference" Group Exhibition
2016 Kødbyen 74, Staldgade 1699 Cph V, Group exhibition of various contemporary artists from US & EU
2016 Ann Linnemann Gallery - Contemporary Ceramics Copenhagen, "Toy Exhibition" "Gnækkende Gubbe"
2016 Charlottenborg Kunsthal, Spring Exhibition - Contemporary Art, "Blue Legs" Juried Exhibition, Copenhagen, DK
2015 EKWC residency exhibition, Oisterwijk, The Netherlands
2015 The Biennale 2015 at Danish Crafts & Design, "My Disease In Disguise" Juried Exhibition, Carlsberg, Cph V
2014 Viborg Art forum, Pakhuset, Disturbed Bodies, Solo Exhibition.
2014 Bella Center, "My Disease In Disguise". Abbvie, ECCO – European Crohn´s and Colitis Organisation, Cph
2013 Officinet, Danish Crafts Gallery in Bredgade, Sikken Fest/What a Party, Copenhagen K
2012 Grimmerhus, Ceramic Museum, Match boxes curated by Nina Hole, Skælskør
2011 Höganäs Art hall, Ceramic exhibition curated by Morten Løbner Espersen, Sweden
2011-12 Grimmerhus Ceramic Museum, Project Network 1, 2 & 3, Skælskør
2011 Møstingshus, Sikken Fest/What a Party, Frederiksberg
2011 Guldagergård, Project Network and Match boxes curated by Nina Hole, Skælskør
2010 Gallery Two Little Birds, Café & Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden
2010 Röhsska museum, Juried Art Show, "Cream Boxes", Gothenburg, Sweden
2010 Lokstallet, HDK Master degree in ceramic 2009, Stømstad, Sweden
2009 Design and Formcenter, HDK Master degree in ceramic art 2009, Malmø, Sweden
2009 Gallery Rörstrand Culture Forum, East Coast Meets West Coast, HDK & Konstfack exhibition, Lidkøping
2009 Röhsska museum, Gothenburg, HDK Master degree 2009
2008 Hotel Bloom, Brussels, Fresco Painting, Room 516, Belgium
2008 400 metre art, Voss, Norway
2008 Formargroup, Malmö, Just a cup, Sweden 2007 KHiB, Bergen, Bachelor degree, Norway 2007
2006 Gallery Østre Skostrædet, Bergen, Norway
2005 Gallery Utsikt, Bergen, Solo exhibition "Invasion of killer snails", Norway
2004 Gallery Fish, KHiB student gallery, Bergen, Norway
Selected grants, some residecies & symposiums contributed support as well, Covid-19 cancelled planned symposiums:
2024 The Danish Arts Foundation/ Statens Kunstfond. Visiting Artist Fellowship, at Creative College, Detroit, USA ´25
2023 The Danish Arts Foundation/ Statens Kunstfund. Work grant - Arbejdslegat. Went to Cairo Darb Art residency, DK
2022 The Danish Arts Foundation/ Statens Kunstfond. Huskunstner-ordningen (artist in collab with children), DK
2021 The Danish Arts Foundation/ Statens Kunstfond. Work grant - Arbejdslegat, DK
2021 The Danish Arts Foundation/ Statens Kunstfond. Grant for "Participation for Danish shows & residency", DK
2021 Hollufgård. Artist in residency, Gesamtkunstwerk 2 months May-June. Opening July 1st. Open July-Oct, DK
2020 Vilnius Arts Academy, Lithuania. To Bone China Symposium in Kaunas, LI
2019 The Danish Arts Foundation/ Statens Kunstfond, Chinese travel support and Christmas Design market support
2019. Sundaymorning@ekwc grants, European Ceramic Work Centre residency, The Netherlands, NL
2018 3 months of Art Critic School hosted by Politiken, a leading Danish daily broadsheet newspaper, Cph
2017 The Danish Arts Foundation/ Statens Kunstfond, Japanese Working Grant
2016 The Danish Arts Foundation/ Statens Kunstfond, Working Grant for New Projects
2015 Sundaymorning@ekwc grants, European Ceramic Work Centre residency, The Netherlands, NL
2011 De Bielkeske scholarships for Guldagergård residency, DK
2011 Union Teknisk Landsforbund pays for opening at Sikken Fest/ What a party, Møstingshus
2009 Danish Crafts pays for photography & printed catalogue exhibition, Sikken Fest/What a Party, Møstingshus, DK
2009 Rörstrands Culture forum, Working Scholarship, SE
2008 Bloom Hotel in Brussels, travel, stay & salary, BE
2008 Adlerbertska traveling Scholarship to Barcelona, HDK Master Students at Ceramic Art Department, SE
2008 Adlerbertska Scholarship in HDK, Gothenburg, SE
2006 Erasmus Exchange College residency to London at Central Saint Martins College of Arts & Design, NO
Selected Press/Catalogue:
2021 Biennale of Danish Crafts, Taiwan Art magazine, Dutch De Kleine K, Kunsthal Århus, Hollufgård.
2019 Photo of "Acid Rain" in Roldskovbladet about Climate Art Exhibition
2018 Weekendavisen and Politiken etc. reviews "Japan Retur" A. Petersen gallery, Cph
2017 Catalogue by the Biennale at Danish Crafts 2017
2016 Catalogue by the Biennale at Danish Crafts 2015 has now arrived
2016 Catalogue by Charlottenborg Kunsthal-Spring Exhibition
2015 I give interview to Dutch local television in Oisterwijk about EKWC residency stay
2014 Berlingske Tidende, Danish national newspaper “My Disease In Disguise”
2014 TV2 News Danish National television interview “My Disease In Disguise”
2014 Spanish television interview “My Disease In Disguise”
2014 Denmark´s Radio live interview in Cultural News P1 evening programme “My Disease In Disguise”
2014 article “My Disease In Disguise”
2014 Huffington Post, cronic disease article about Abbvie´s artists. “My Disease In Disguise” is published, USA
2014 Canadian woman phd, interviews me about “My Disease In Disguise”
2014 Viborg local news paper about solo exhibition in may
2014 Blaamejsen made a big report with many images from my solo exhibition in Viborg Pakhus
2011 Catalogue made by Sikken fest/ What a party art group with our Møstingshus exhibition
2011 Catalogue Guldagergaard project network 2
2010 TV in Sweden Local news about our HDK Master class Exit 2009 at Lokstallet
2009 Article by Jenny Fornell highlights my MA work “Dinner is served” with vultures at
Røhsska Museum in the baroque department, Sweden